libcoap 4.3.5-develop-a746e3f
▼Application API | Application API Structures, Macros, Typedefs, Enums and Functions |
Application I/O Handling | API for Application Input / Output checking |
Asynchronous Messaging | API for delayed "separate" messages |
Block Transfer | API for handling PDUs using CoAP Block options (RFC7959) |
Cache Support | API for Cache-Key and Cache-Entry |
Clock Handling | API for internal clock assess |
Context Handling | API for handling PDUs using CoAP Contexts |
DTLS Support | API for interfacing with DTLS libraries |
Encode / Decode API | API for endoding/decoding CoAP options |
Event Handling | API for event delivery from lower-layer library functions |
Logging Support | API for logging support |
LwIP specific API | API for LwIP interface |
OSCORE Support | API functions for interfacing with OSCORE (RFC8613) |
Option Filters | API for access option filters |
Optional functionality | API for determining functionality optionally compiled into libcoap |
PDU | API for PDUs |
Proxy | API for Proxies |
Pseudo Random Numbers | API for generating pseudo random numbers |
Rate Control | API for updating transmission parameters for CoAP rate control |
Resource Configuraton | API for setting up resources |
Resource Observation | API for interfacing with the observe handling (RFC7641) |
Sessions | API for CoAP Session access |
String handling support | API for handling strings and binary data |
URI Parsing Functions | API for parsing URIs |
WebSockets Support | API for interfacing with WebSockets (RFC8323) |
▼Libcoap Internal API | Libcoap Internal API Structures, Macros, Typedefs, Enums and Functions |
ASN.1 Support | Internal API for CoAP ASN.1 handling |
Application I/O Handling | Internal API for Application Input / Output checking |
Block Transfer | Internal API for Block Transfer (RC7959) |
Cache Support | Internal API for Cache-Key and Cache-Entry support |
Context Handling | Internal API for Context Handling |
DTLS Support | Internal API for DTLS Support |
Multi-thread Support | Internal API for Multi-thread Locking Support |
Netif Support | Internal API for Netif Support |
OSCORE CBOR Support | Internal API for interfacing with OSCORE CBOR |
OSCORE COSE Support | Internal API for interfacing with OSCORE COSE |
OSCORE Crypto Support | Internal API for interfacing with Crypto libraries |
OSCORE Support | Internal API for interfacing with OSCORE (RFC8613) |
Observe Subscription | Internal API for handling CoAP Observe Subscriptions (RFC7641) |
PDU | Internal API for PDUs |
Pseudo Random Numbers | Internal API for generating pseudo random numbers |
Resources | Internal API for handling resources |
Sessions | Internal API for handling Sessions |
Support | Internal API for handling CoAP proxies |
TCP Support | Internal API for handling CoAP TCP (RFC8323) |
URI Support | Internal API for handling CoAP URIs |
WebSockets Support | Internal API for WebSockets Support (RFC8323) |